About this site

The most common question I get asked when people view my work is; "Are you taking medication for this?" but one of the close runner up questions is, "Why?" It all starts, as so many things do, with the Boy Scouts of America. Back in the eighth grade I was a member of Boy Scout Troop 26, and we were lucky enough to have our very own "Scout Bus" a retired school bus that belonged to our troop to use to go to and from hiking, pancake jamborees, feeding wild mosquitoes with our young tender flesh and many other scout related functions. Unfortunately our Scout Bus spent more time broken down behind the scout hut then out on the open road. (Granted if I had to run around to muddy swamps filled with 30 or 40 screaming "scouts" for a living, I would spend as much time broken down as possible too.) In addition to the age of the bus, the other factor that helped keep it off the road was the fact that every time the bus broke down, our scoutmaster "Ken" tried to fix it himself. This led to me one day scrawling a picture of the scout bus blowing up ejecting a figure of Ken who was proudly proclaiming, "I fixed it myself" on the back of an 8th grade math test, the result was a career of drawing Bus related disasters and many Bus Related Spin off mini-series that would last through my entire High School Career.

Recently I discovered the binder containing my complete works of Glorious Bus drawings which sparked my secret inner desire and life long ambition of being a cartoonist, and with the progress of technology and the ease of self publication through the internet, this site has been born. All thanks to this;